We have a name...
We finally registered our baby's name today. We were given up to two weeks to register the birth of the baby and we did it on the last possible day, because we were still deciding on his name.
We gave him two English names. His first name, Kinnon is a Scottish name (to remind him of his Scottish ancestry) and means "fair-born". For his middle name we decided to choose Luke, the Evangelist.
My mom picked his Chinese name, Shi Jun. The first name Shi is from our family poem (Jia Pu) and will be used by all his subsequent brothers (if any) and Jun means gentleman or sovereign. However, for his registration we decided not to use the Mandarin transliteration but the dialect transliteration of his name. We finally settled for Seh Guan.
So his full name is TAN Seh Guan, Kinnon Luke.
Here are some more pictures with family
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