Kelvin and Laura's Baby

Friday, November 10, 2006

Nebuliser Time

Brought Kinnon to the peadiatrician today because he has had running nose and a raspy voice for the past couple of days. The doctor took a look at him and detected wheezing noises when he was breathing. So she has had him put on the nebuliser for the next 3,4 days. Every four hours, we have to put a face mask over him, attached it to a noisy machine that vaporises this medicine for him for 10 minutes. Its quite an ordeal for all of us and it is a 2 if not 3 person affair. Sally holds him down and I put the mask over him and Laura entertains him. The 10 minutes always seems like an eternity.

We brought back lots of other medicines, mulcosolvan, promethazine and a very expensive drug Singulair which we are supposed to sprinkle on top of his food.

Hope he gets better.


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