Kelvin and Laura's Baby

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tapestry 2006

Here's the canvas drawing I did as part of the fundraising efforts for Tapestry 2006, organised by our CDC's High 5 Youth along Orchard Road. I think this Art Jamming thing is pretty cool, and this is the first time I got to paint on campus.

Here's the completed canvas with the creations of other kids. Everybody seemed to have a good time doing this. And here are some of our High 5 youths trying their hand at painting
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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Update Time

In case you are wondering why there is flurry of activities. After been egged on by my interns, I have decided to try to keep this blog my updated. Haven't had the chance to update this since December, and I have been going back, scanning through the pictures and putting them up online.

One of my interns, was good enough to recommend me to use Picasa to upload the pictures. It's a really user friendly software and the best I have used. Okay, so do keep coming back to the website as I try to recreate the past 6months of fatherhood.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

You are my Sunshine

Hsinli, my godsister, gave Kinnon a nice bright orange sunshine suit. Here is Kinnon and mummy together. We thought it would be good to take some pictures of Kinnon in this suit for Hsinli. Here's a collage of Kinnon, who looks just as sunny as his suit.

Hsinli is currently in Hong Kong and she has two adorable kids of her own. Will try to put up pictures.

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