Kelvin and Laura's Baby

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Baby Words

I have been reading an exceelent book "Einstein Never Used Flash Cards" about how our children really learn. This book is peppered with exercises to do with baby. One of the exercises is to note down the various words that baby knows at various stages.

So here's a crack at it, at 1year 2 months

Have divided words into the following category and whether he knows then in Chinese or English
These are the words we have caught him saying...

Relationships: me-me (for mummy), di-di (for daddy), pa (for grandpa), ma (for grandma), baby

Food Milk, bread

car, bei1 (glass), gai4 (cover), ping2 (bottle), bottle (not very well), magnet, gou3 (dog) ji (chicken, not very well), windmill, light (sez it like aight)

Questions How?

Actions tiu1 (throw, yes his favourite word) pao-pao (carry me) Sui4 jiao4 (sleep, understands doesn't know how to speak), na2(take), la1 (pull) an4 ( press), bath, eat

Adjectives: dirty

Okay, obviously I tend to capture more of the Chinese words, cos I am the one speaking to him in Mandarin.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Rocker bye Baby

Laura and I have been training Kinnnon to go to sleep on his own for the past 2 nights. Kinnon usually goes to bed at 10pm and then wakes up once at 2am. What we usually do is towake up in the middle of the night and then rock him to sleep...

We decided to take turns during this, not knowing how difficult/ painful this would be (both for him and us). Last night, Laura stayed up with him with Kinnon hollering away for almost an hour. He soon fell so exhausted with all his crying and was starting to fall asleep upright. Laura put him down, he protested, whimpered a little but then went to sleep.

Tonight (or should I say this morning) was my turn. Kinnon woke up at 3:30am and started crying bao bao (carry me in Chinese) so I told him firmly to sui jiao (sleep). Laura came in at 3:4oam and I told him that he was crying for ten minutes. At about 3:48, and laid him down, patted him a little and started singing to him. He protested a little, but within 5 minutes he was trying to put himself to sleep.

Okay, I think he is getting the point.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

High Fever

This blog is becoming a medical record, for us to keep track of when Kinnon is sick. A little baby came down with higher fever yesterday (Friday). We put off going to the doctor, until it was 3am last night. We have been trying to keep his temperature under control with regular does of Paracetemol and Nuroprene (Ibuprofene eq) However, his temperature still spikes beyond 40C (104F) occassionally. Pat, our friend and neighbour from 3 blocks down, and proud mother of 3 babies, was nice enough to come over at 11pm last night with some suppositories to reduce his temperature. However, at 3am we decided to go to the 24 hour walk-in clinic at one of the private hospitals, Mount Alvernia. Doctor gave us more suppositories, rehydrating fluid and we went back again.
Today, his temperature has been up and down even under medication, and it got as high as 40.1C. We are now preparing to have to go to the A&E department at the public hospital if necessary this evening.